Cuts of beef
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About us
Our values
Gender Pay Report
Tax Strategy
Health,Safety & Environment Statement of Intent
Modern Slavery Statement
ISO 14001:2021
ISO 50001:2018
GDPR Data Privacy Policy - May 2018
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+44 (0)1977 620 327
+44 (0)1977 621 435
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Dovecote Park Ltd
Bank Wood Road
North Yorkshire
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Our Values
Dovecote Park is proud to be a successful independent business, supplying the highest quality British beef through its dedicated supply chain in partnership with Waitrose. We are totally committed to the sustainable growth and delivery of a business founded on integrity and ethical principles that supports and adds value to the local community.
Our aim is to become the employer of choice through a continual programme of investment and development in our people, production facilities, processes and products.
We will champion the highest quality produce and be the trusted supplier of British beef.
We will work in partnership with our farmers to deliver the highest standards of animal health, welfare and husbandry, with the aim of securing for them a commercially secure and environmentally sustainable future.
We will provide a workplace that first and foremost is safe, but that also offers a pleasant working environment.
We will treat everyone, customers, colleagues, suppliers and visitors with dignity and respect.
We will build teamwork, and development of competent and respected leadership through effective and practical communication.
We will support the local community so that Dovecote Park is a positive contributor to its locality.
We will pursue environmental policies that reduce waste, make energy more efficient and will invest in technologies that assist in lessening our impact on the wider environment.
We will strive to improve and excite our customer’s meat buying experience, through dedication to continuous product innovation.
Slavery Act Policy - November 2017
This statement set out Dovecote Park’s action which is aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business or its supply chain. In this statement we have reinforced our commitment to this and have made reference to further action we have taken to endorse this. This statement will be updated annually to reiterate our commitment and any action we have taken.
Organisation Structure and Supply Chains
Dovecote Park is a dedicated and privately owned meat processing plant supplying beef, veal and venison to Waitrose Supermarkets. The supply chain extends from the farmer rearing the cattle to ingredients and packaging. The organisation currently operates solely within the United Kingdom (UK), although some of its suppliers are not based in the UK.
High-risk Activities
The company believes that none of its activities or those of its suppliers are considered to be at a high risk of slavery or human trafficking.
Responsibility for the organisation’s anti-slavery initiatives are as follows:
The Board of Directors are responsible for the drafting and reviewing of the company’s policy on an annual basis.
Risk Assessments
The Purchasing Manager in conjunction with the Technical Manager will be responsible for ensuring compliance of all suppliers with the exception of Livestock which will be the Responsibility of the Cattle Procurement Manager in conjunction with the HR Manager. They will jointly undertake any investigations and due diligence required to ensure compliance or where there is a suspicion of any breaches under the Modern Slavery Act.
All senior managers, and the Purchasing Manager have attended training in the Modern Slavery Act. The HR team delivers in-house training and communication to all employees who have any direct / indirect relationship with suppliers. Producers receive training based on the Stronger Together workshops at Producer open days.
Relevant Policies
Dovecote Park operate strict adherence to the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code (ETI Base Code). This is founded on the conventions of the International Labour Organisation and is an internationally recognised code of labour practice. The company is also a member of Sedex, the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange which is a not for profit membership organisation dedicated to driving improvements in responsible and ethical business practices in global supply chains and monitors adherence of all members against the principles of the ETI Base Code. Dovecote Park require all suppliers (with the exception of Livestock) to be Sedex registered. The organisation uses only specified, reputable employment agencies to source labour and verifies the practices of any new agency before accepting workers, and continues to carry out periodic audits to ensure continual compliance.
Due Diligence
The organisation will conduct risk assessments on all Livestock Producers to the business. In addition, the Responsible Sourcing Policy (issued to all existing and potential producers) will be amended to incorporate questions relating to the identification of any practices, that might indicate breaches of the Modern Slavery Act.
The organization commenced its awareness programme in 2016 and continues to -
Display Posters in noticeboards at both sites drawing attention to Modern Slavery
Arrange for all new cattle producers to be issued with information produced by Closer Together to be displayed on farms.
Work in conjunction with Waitrose suppliers (HR team) to implement measures to raise awareness amongst producers.
Livestock Field staff have attended the Stronger Together Workshops.
Induction for all new employees contains reference to Modern Slavery and shows the 10-minute video, Tackling Modern Slavery.
Further developments
All farm producers have been issued with a worker code of practice against which they will be audited annually.
The first audit was conducted in August 2017 and the results risk assessed as low, medium or high.
All ingredient and packaging suppliers are Sedex registered.
Labour providers to the factory are audited twice a year, and must all be registered with the GLAA.
HR Department checks that the labour providers are registered using the GLAA on-line checking facility.
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